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Diabetes Mellitus with uncontrollable condition is prone to higher risk of complication

             Many people worldwide are suffering with different types of diseases, disease complications and body irregularity diseases. Some of it is hereditary, congenital, and some are due to bad habits or unhealthy lifestyle.

One of those diseases is “Diabetes Mellitus” (DM) commonly known as diabetes, it is a disorder in which the body does not produce enough or respond normally to insulin, causing blood sugar (glucose) level to be abnormally high.  According to the International Diabetes Federation, as of 2019, there are approximately 463 million adults between 20-79years of age were living with diabetes globally.  There is 79% of adults with diabetes were living in a low and middle income countries. Currently, many Arabic countries and its people are one of those who suffered for that kind of disease like diabetes, pressure ulcer, and congenital irregularities, etc. It is maybe due to some reason like the food that they ate, the lifestyle that they have or either hereditary to their family. Based on the study and research of IDF Prevalence on the diabetic countries in the Middle East region these are the countries with top highest age adjusted diabetes prevalence.

However, this disease should be prevented as much as we can and treated and as soon as possible. Towards to that, diabetes increases the risk of health complication such as diabetic eye disease, diabetes and oral health, diabetes-related complications of pregnancy, diabetes and cardiovascular diseases, diabetic kidney disease, nerve and or vascular damage and mostly diabetic foot complication. Showing in this diagram are the risky complications that occurs when diabetes conditions are uncontrollable.


And one of the serious and most common complications is the Diabetic Neuropathy which can lead to diabetic foot ulcer. Diabetic Neuropathy is a type of nerve damage that occurs commonly on the legs and feet of a diabetic person that can be infected easily, become severe and worse is be consider as diabetic foot ulcer and worse may leads to limb amputation. Since diabetic persons with uncontrollable condition have poor healing capability.


Presently, there are thousands diabetic person suffering with this complication. Some of them has less knowledge on how this complication be treated and cure to prevent from amputation.  But nowadays, there are ways to treat this type of complications. There are expert specialists who provide comprehensive foot care treatment care. Most people with diabetes can prevent serious foot complications. Regular care at home and going to all doctor’s appointments are your best bet for preventing foot problems (and stopping small problems from becoming serious ones).



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